刊行物 -紀要別冊-bulletin

  • ≪別冊5 (英文II)≫ ‘Matrices and Weavings’ 2004年10月

    George J. Tanabe,Jr. Matrices and Weavings:Expressions
    of Shingon Buddhism in Japanese Culture and Society.
    (University of Hawaii)
    Richard K. Payne Creativity and the Appropriation
    of Ritual:The Shingon and Shintō Gomas.
    (Institute of Buddhist Studies, Berkeley)
    Barbara Ambros Indigenizing the Gods:A Shingon
    Transformation at Ōyama in Tokugawa Japan.
    (International Christian University)
    Arthur H. Thornhill ? Yūgen Transposed:Esoteric Buddhism
    in Noh Drama.
    (University of Hawaii at Manoa)
    Cynthea J. Bogel The Objects of Transmission and
    the Subjects of History:Catalogue of Imported Goods (Shōrai mokuroku).
    (University of Washington)
    Okuyama Naoji Meditation and the Visual Arts in
    Mantra Mahāna Buddhism.
    (Kōyasan University)
    Patricia J. Graham Shingon in Japanese Visual
    Culture, 17th to 20th Century.
    (University of Kansas)
    Ian Reader Weaving the Landscape:The Shikoku
    Pilgrimage, Kōbō Daishi and Shingon Buddhism.
    (Lancaster University, U.K.)
    Brian O. Ruppert Ejū, Kanjin, Shingon “Ruiju” and
    the Early Medieval Japanese Aristocracy.
    (University of Illinois)
    Kaoru Villa Takeda Shingen and Shukuyō:The
    Astrological Divination System Used in Military Strategy in Medieval
    (University of Hawaii)
    Duncan Ryūken Williams Esoteric Waters:Meritorious
    Bathing, Kōbō Daishi, and Legends of Hot Spring Foundings.
    (University of California, Irvine)
    Ian Astley Kōyasan Petition to the
    Court:Reclusive Sentiments in a Public Undertaking.
    (Centre for Japanese Studies, University of
    Edinburgh, U.K.)
    Takagi Shingen The Formation of Shingon Buddhism
    in Japan:
    Kūkai’s System of Classifying Teachings and its Modern Significance.
    (Kōyasan University)
    Muroji Yoshihito Kūkai’s “One-Mind”(一心):A
    characteristic feature of his thought in his early forties.
    (Kōyasan University)
    Chishō Mamoru Namai Shingonmon, The Way of Shingon
    Buddhism:The establishment of mantra-practice in Mahāna Buddhism and
    its Japanese modification in the from of Shingon Buddhism.
    (Kōyasan University)
  • ≪別冊4(英文I)≫ ‘Mikkyō:Kōbō Daishi Kūkai and shingon Buddhism’ 1990年10月

    Takagi Shingen Working towards a Dialogue with Different
    Cultures: in Search of Possibilities for a Bright Future for Humanity
    Matsunaga Yūkei The Role of Esoteric Buddhism in the 21st
    Sayeki Shinkō Shingon Teaching of Universal Harmony
    Matsunaga Yūkei Esoteric Buddhism: A Definition
    A Dialogue between Shiba Ryōtaro and Tachibana
    Kūkai and the Astronaut
    Bruno Petzold Japanese Buddhism: A Characterization, Part
    6(Kōbō Daishi)
    Beatrice Lane Suzuki The Shingon School of Mahāna Buddhism, Part 1
    Beatrice Lane Suzuki Kōbō Daishi and his Shingon Doctrine
    Beatrice Lane Suzuki Ceremonies for Lay Disciples at Kōyasan
    Akizuki Shōken Anjin in Shingon
    Beatrice Lane Suzuki The Problem of Personality According to the
    Shingon School of Buddhism
    Beatrice Lane Suzuki Insight into Reality According to the Japanese
    Shingon Teaching
    Inui Hitoshi, ed. Bibliography of studies on Kōbō Daishi and
    Shingon Buddhism in Western languages
  • ≪別冊3≫ 2006年3月

    森 雅秀 パーラ朝の仏教美術作例リスト
  • ≪別冊2≫ 2000年1月

    生井智紹 如来秘密 ―三密行との関わりから―
    大塚伸夫 『華厳経』入法界品と『金剛手灌頂タントラ』
    乾 仁志 『初会金剛頂経』の基本にある如来蔵思想
    室寺義仁 金剛喩定について
    森 雅秀 オリッサ州出土の四臂観音 ―密教図像の成立に関する一考察―
    奥山直司 埋蔵と化身 ―インド後期密教の形成と展開に関する一考察―
    野口圭也 密教におけるサハジャ思想の形成
    山下博司 密教と南インド
  • ≪別冊1≫ 1999年1月

    高木訷元 日本密教形成序説
    佐藤正伸 日本密教受容の背景についての一考察 ―浄行をキーワードとして―
    山本幸男 早良親王と淡海三船 ―奈良末期の大安寺をめぐる人々―
    村上保壽 古代律令社会の民衆僧と空海
    南 昌宏 学制に見る空海入唐前の学問
    星宮智弘 弘法大師空海の三教論と十住心体系
    武内孝善 唐代密教における灌頂儀礼 ―『東塔院義真阿闍梨記録 円行入壇』考―
    大久保良峻 台東両密における行位論の交渉
    山陰加春夫 中世『寺院縁起』の案出 ―讃岐国善通寺の場合―